The true creator of Bitcoin remains anonymous

UK High Court Judge James Mellor has ruled that Dr Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin.

The true creator of Bitcoin remains anonymous

The court's decision ends a lawsuit brought by the Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance (COPA) against Wright, who has long claimed to be the inventor of the world's first decentralized digital currency, Bitcoin.

The trial, which lasted a month, contained extensive allegations of forgery against Wright, as well as evidence suggesting he fabricated evidence to support his claim.

The court ruled that Wright was not the author of the Bitcoin white paper, he was not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto between 2008 and 2011, and he did not create the Bitcoin system.

This decision not only discredits Wright's claims, but also affects his ability to make a copyright claim on the Bitcoin white paper, which is now under the MIT open source license.

In 2023, Wright sued 13 Bitcoin Core developers and several companies for copyright infringement related to the Bitcoin white paper and the blockchain. Despite Wright's previous efforts to copyright Bitcoin's white paper in the United States, the court's ruling in favor of COPA limits his legal position.

COPA's final statement highlighted Wright's "extensive deception," including a false biographical history and false documents. A COPA spokesperson called the decision "a victory for developers, the entire open source community, and the truth."

The judge's decision has implications for two other cases that were put on hold pending the outcome of that trial, including a case brought by Wright against Coinbase and Dorsey's Block, alleging he had rights to a database on the Bitcoin blockchain.


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